Project Partner
Demand for industrial and drinking water have multiplied in recent years. Water is required for numerous tasks in domestic and in business enterprises. Purchasing your private well can offer a low cast alternative. To provide well drilling services various Well drilling Contractors are working in the field but most of the Well drilling Contractors are not working in proper geological manner. In order to provide low cost water well, high discharge with low TDS and also make an individual worth in this field, BNB set a new trend among all local Well drilling Contractors and introduced a new drilling technique i.e. Aquifer Horizon Segregation (AHS) method.
BNB surveyed industrial areas of Karachi to acquire knowledge regarding water well and observed that majority industries getting ground water from lower depth with very high TDS and extremely contaminated, which was drilled and poorly designed by unprofessional Well drilling Contractors.
BNB stand the new SOP for drilling a tubewell, through electrical resistivity survey, which is specialized job, which only few Well drilling Contractors can execute. BNB interpreted deep aquifer with low salinity. In AHS method BNB drilled deep-water wells, demarcate various aquifer horizons as per lithological and geophysical logging interpretation. In order to withdraw low TDS ground water with significant discharge BNB suggested sealing upper aquifer horizon, which was contaminating ground water. Henceforth, BNB makes it standard practice for industrial water well drilling and introduce in its marketing strategies.
BNB also emphasis the industry to stop their failure attempt with unprofessional Well drilling Contractors, which cost the enormous loss in aspect of capital and precious effort with local Well drilling Contractors to accomplish what they can not promise. Industry have to look forward to qualified Well drilling Contractors having skilled team of geologists and hydrogeologists to ensure the 100 percent results of their capital and time.